MCQ on Battery

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1. The capacity of a lead acid cell does not depend on its
(A) temperature.
(B) rate of discharge.
(C) rate of charge.
(D) all of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 2. When a lead acid battery is in fully charge condition, the color of its positive plate is
(A) brown.
(B) dark grey.
(C) dark brown.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 3. The capacity of a battery is expressed in term of
(A) ampere.
(B) volt-hour.
(C) ampere-hour.
(D) volt-amp-hour.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 4. When the lead acid battery is fully charged condition, the appearance of its electrolyte is
(A) bright.
(B) dull.
(C) milky.
(D) brown.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 5. During charging the specific gravity of the electrolyte of a lead acid battery
(A) decreases.
(B) increases.
(C) remain same.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            B [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 6. Due to sulphation effect in lead acid battery, its terminal resistance
(A) increases.
(B) decreases.
(C) remain same.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            A [/accordion-item][/accordion]

  7. During discharging the specific gravity of the electrolytes of a lead acid battery
(A) decreases.
(B) increases.
(C) remain same.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            A [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 8. Which of the following cell has the highest voltage?
(A) Mercury.
(B) Lithium.
(C) Carbon-Zinc.
(D) Manganese-Alkaline.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            B [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 9. Which of the following cells has the lowest voltage?
(A) Carbon-Zink.
(B) Lithium.
(C) Manganese-Alkaline.
(D) Mercury.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            D [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 10. Sulphation in a lead acid battery occurs due to
(A) trickle charging.
(B) heavy charging.
(C) overcharging.
(D) incomplete charging.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            D [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 11. Which of the following battery is generally used in electric power station?
(A) Zinc carbon battery.
(B) Nickel cadmium battery.
(C) Lead acid battery.
(D) Lithium battery.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 12. In order to Increase voltage, number of cells are connected in
(A) series.
(B) parallel.
(C) opposite direction.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            A [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 13. In order to increase capacity of the battery, number of cells are connected in
(A) series.
(B) parallel.
(C) both above.
(D) none of the above.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            B [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 14. Which of the following instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of electrolyte?
(A) Barometer.
(B) Hygroscope.
(C) Hydroscope.
(D) Lactometer.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

 15. In Edison cell, the negative plate is made of
(A) zinc.
(B) copper.
(C) iron.
(D) lead.
[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h4][accordion-item title=”Answer ⇓” state=closed]            C [/accordion-item][/accordion]

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