Electromagnetic Fields and Waves MCQs (Part-6)

What is the condition for the reflection of an electromagnetic wave at a boundary?

A Same polarization
B Different impedance
C Same frequency
D Same impedance

What is the effect of polarization on an electromagnetic wave?

A Change in magnetic field strength
B Change in speed
C Change in frequency
D Change in electric field direction

How does the angle of incidence compare to the angle of reflection for an electromagnetic wave?

A Angle of incidence is smaller
B They are always equal
C They are always different
D Angle of reflection is greater

What is the effect of increasing the frequency of a wave on its wavelength in a given medium?

A Increases amplitude
B No change
C Decreases wavelength
D Increases wavelength

What is the term for the bending of light or waves around obstacles?

A Transmission
B Diffraction
C Reflection
D Polarization

Which of these properties of electromagnetic waves can be altered by polarization?

A Electric field direction
B Wavelength
C Speed
D Frequency

What does the electric field intensity depend on in an electromagnetic wave?

A Wave velocity
B Frequency only
C Magnetic field strength
D Wave amplitude

Which condition is required for the transmission of electromagnetic waves through a dielectric material?

A Low permeability
B Low conductivity
C High conductivity
D High permeability

Which of the following describes the ability of a material to resist changes in its electric field?

A Conductivity
B Poynting vector
C Permeability
D Permittivity

What happens when an electromagnetic wave is incident at the boundary of two media with different refractive indices?

A The wave disappears
B The wave is absorbed
C The wave refracts and bends
D The wave is completely reflected

What is the term for the transfer of energy carried by an electromagnetic wave?

A Electric flux
B Poynting vector
C Magnetic flux
D Energy density

What happens when an electromagnetic wave encounters a perfect conductor?

A The wave is reflected
B The wave slows down
C The wave is transmitted
D The wave is absorbed

In which direction do the electric and magnetic fields of a plane electromagnetic wave oscillate relative to each other?

A In phase
B Parallel
C Out of phase
D Perpendicular

What is the primary role of a boundary condition in wave propagation?

A To polarize waves
B To absorb waves
C To specify field behavior at interfaces
D To reflect waves

What is the result of increasing the polarization of light?

A Decreased intensity
B Increased intensity
C Increased frequency
D Decreased wavelength