Engineering Drawing and Graphics MCQs (Part-13)

What does orthographic projection primarily show in technical drawings?

A True size
B Depth
C Hidden features
D 3D shape

What is the role of geometric dimensioning in engineering drawings?

A Represent color
B Indicate size
C Define tolerances
D Show hidden parts

What is the purpose of using line types in technical drawings?

A Represent dimensions
B Differentiate features
C Indicate movement
D Show depth

How does a scale help in technical drawings?

A Represent textures
B Show 3D shapes
C Indicate color
D Display size proportions

What is the role of auxiliary views in engineering drawings?

A Clarify complex shapes
B Represent perspective
C Add color details
D Show external features

What does a construction line help with in technical drawings?

A Show movement
B Position features
C Create final shapes
D Display parts

What is the primary purpose of solid modeling in engineering?

A Show internal features
B Represent 3D objects
C Add textures
D Create surface details

What does freehand sketching help engineers with during the design process?

A Fast visualization of ideas
B Creating detailed drawings
C Digital modeling
D Precise measurements

Which projection method is commonly used to show 3D objects in 2D without distortion?

A Exploded view
B Perspective projection
C Isometric projection
D Orthographic projection

What is the primary function of geometric symbols in engineering drawings?

A Indicate material properties
B Show colors
C Display movement
D Represent features or functions

What type of line is used to indicate visible edges in an engineering drawing?

A Hidden line
B Continuous line
C Phantom line
D Center line

What is the purpose of creating 3D models in engineering design?

A Analyze performance
B Show texture
C Improve drawing speed
D Display aesthetic details

What is the key benefit of using CAD software in technical drawing?

A Simplified assembly
B Faster sketching
C Increased accuracy
D Better aesthetics

What is the function of a line type in engineering drawings?

A Define part size
B Indicate material
C Represent part name
D Show different features

How does a scale in technical drawings help with large objects?

A Maintains proportions
B Reduces complexity
C Simplifies shapes
D Increases size