Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-11)

What is the primary function of a turbine in a hydraulic system?

A Increase pressure
B Regulate temperature
C Convert energy
D Measure flow

What is the cause of cavitation in a pump?

A High viscosity
B Low pressure
C Low temperature
D High velocity

How does a hydraulic system work?

A Transfers energy via fluid pressure
B Transfers energy by motion
C Transfers energy by heat
D Transfers energy via magnetism

What is the effect of cavitation on a hydraulic pump?

A Reduced flow rate
B Increased efficiency
C Increased pressure
D Component damage

What is the main factor determining the efficiency of a turbine?

A Turbine size
B Fluid temperature
C Fluid velocity
D Fluid pressure

What does the term “specific speed” refer to in a turbine?

A Energy output
B Rotational speed
C Efficiency
D Flow rate

How does fluid viscosity affect the cavitation process in pumps?

A Increases cavitation risk
B No effect
C Varies with flow rate
D Decreases cavitation risk

What is the primary advantage of hydraulic systems in industrial applications?

A Flexibility and power
B High speed
C Low cost
D Low maintenance

What happens when the fluid pressure drops below the vapor pressure in a pump?

A Increased efficiency
B Pump operation stops
C Fluid vaporizes
D Increased flow rate

How does a pump help in fluid flow management in hydraulic systems?

A Increases fluid flow
B Reduces fluid pressure
C Increases fluid temperature
D Reduces system noise

What is the effect of increasing the number of blades on a turbine?

A Reduces pressure
B Decreases efficiency
C Increases efficiency
D Increases fluid velocity

What type of pump is commonly used to pump large volumes of fluid at low pressure?

A Positive displacement pump
B Gear pump
C Peristaltic pump
D Centrifugal pump

What is a major disadvantage of using centrifugal pumps in high viscosity fluids?

A Increased cavitation risk
B Low flow rate
C High power consumption
D Increased temperature

What is the effect of temperature on cavitation in pumps?

A No effect
B Increases cavitation risk
C Decreases cavitation risk
D Varies with pressure

What is a common method to prevent cavitation in a hydraulic system?

A Use a pressure relief valve
B Reduce pressure
C Lower flow rate
D Increase fluid temperature