Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-3)

What type of flow is characterized by smooth, parallel layers of fluid?

A Viscous flow
B Turbulent flow
C Laminar flow
D Steady flow

What does the term “viscosity” describe in a fluid?

A Internal resistance
B Pressure
C Density
D Flow rate

What happens to the pressure in a fluid as the velocity increases, according to Bernoulli’s principle?

A Changes unpredictably
B Decreases
C Stays constant
D Increases

What does the Reynolds number predict in a fluid flow system?

A Fluid velocity
B Fluid viscosity
C Fluid density
D Type of flow

What is the primary reason for buoyancy in a fluid?

A Pressure difference
B Temperature difference
C Density difference
D Viscosity

How does the velocity of a fluid change as it passes through a narrowing pipe?

A Increases
B Stays constant
C Decreases
D Depends on the fluid

What is the primary factor influencing drag force on an object moving through air?

A Temperature
B Shape
C Viscosity
D Pressure

In which type of fluid flow does the flow velocity vary across the flow section?

A Laminar flow
B Steady flow
C Unsteady flow
D Turbulent flow

How is the flow in a pipe affected by an increase in fluid viscosity?

A Increases pressure
B No effect
C Decreases speed
D Increases speed

What is the main cause of cavitation in hydraulic systems?

A High temperature
B High viscosity
C Low pressure
D High velocity

Which of the following is the result of a high Reynolds number?

A Steady-state conditions
B Turbulent flow
C Laminar flow
D Steady flow

What type of fluid flow occurs when the velocity at each point in the fluid remains constant over time?

A Steady flow
B Unsteady flow
C Laminar flow
D Turbulent flow

What does the drag coefficient depend on in fluid mechanics?

A Viscosity
B Fluid density
C Velocity
D Shape of object

What happens to the fluid pressure as it moves upward in a column of liquid?

A Fluctuates
B Stays constant
C Decreases
D Increases

What does the term “hydraulic diameter” refer to in pipe flow?

A Effective diameter in non-circular ducts
B Flow velocity
C Diameter of the pipe
D Radius of the pipe