Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-5)

What is fluid?

A Liquid
C Gas
C Both B and C
D Solid

Which of these is a property of fluids?

A Hardness
B Rigidity
C Viscosity
D Malleability

What does Bernoulli’s principle relate to?

A Pressure difference
B Fluid velocity
C Energy conservation
D All of the above

What does the continuity equation state?

A Mass is conserved
B Pressure is constant
C Velocity increases
D Energy is conserved

Which device measures fluid pressure?

A Manometer
B Flow nozzle
C Venturimeter
D Pitot tube

What is Reynolds number used to predict?

A Fluid density
B Flow type
C Fluid pressure
D Fluid velocity

Which type of flow is characterized by smooth layers?

A Steady flow
B Turbulent flow
C Laminar flow
D Compressible flow

What causes cavitation in fluids?

A Low pressure
B High viscosity
C High temperature
D High velocity

What is the effect of increasing viscosity on fluid flow?

A Increases flow rate
B Increases turbulence
C No effect
D Decreases flow rate

Which of the following is a type of fluid measurement device?

A Pump
B Siphon
C Venturimeter
D Turbine

What is drag in fluid dynamics?

A Resistance to motion
B Fluid velocity
C Fluid density
D Pressure difference

What does the term “boundary layer” refer to?

A Turbulent flow
B Flow near a surface
C Flow inside pipes
D Fluid viscosity

What does CFD stand for in fluid mechanics?

A Compressible Fluid Dynamics
B Continuous Flow Dynamics
C Computational Fluid Dynamics
D Circular Fluid Distribution

What is an orifice in fluid mechanics?

A Pressure relief valve
B Flow measurement device
C High‐velocity nozzle
D Fluid storage tank

What does the term “water hammer” describe?

A Pipe burst
B Flow instability
C Cavitation effect
D Sudden pressure change