What is fluid statics?
A Energy conservation
B Pressure in rest
C Turbulent flow
D Flow analysis
What does the Navier-Stokes equation describe?
A Steady flow
B Viscous fluid flow
C Mass conservation
D Pressure distribution
Which flow is smooth and orderly?
A Laminar flow
B Turbulent flow
C Compressible flow
D Incompressible flow
What is the primary purpose of a manometer?
A Flow analysis
B Velocity measurement
C Measure pressure
D Measure density
What causes turbulence in fluid flow?
A High viscosity
B Low pressure
C High velocity
D Low temperature
What does a Venturi meter measure?
A Pressure difference
B Fluid velocity
C Flow rate
D Fluid density
What does the continuity equation assume?
A Steady flow
B Incompressible fluid
C Variable pressure
D Turbulent flow
What is the main function of an orifice meter?
A Measure density
B Measure velocity
C Measure flow rate
D Measure pressure
What does cavitation in fluids cause?
A Formation of vapor bubbles
B Increase in pressure
C High viscosity
D Low velocity
What is drag force?
A Fluid temperature
B Surface tension
C Fluid viscosity
D Resistance to motion
What does the term “boundary layer” refer to?
A Low-pressure region
B Turbulent zone
C Surface flow region
D Laminar flow zone
What causes water hammer in pipes?
A Increase in pressure
B Sudden flow stoppage
C Increase in fluid density
D Low fluid velocity
What is the primary cause of flow separation?
A Low viscosity
B Adverse pressure gradient
C High fluid velocity
D High temperature
What is the effect of viscosity on fluid flow?
A Increases velocity
B Reduces flow rate
C Increases turbulence
D No effect
What does CFD stand for in fluid mechanics?
A Circulating Fluid Dynamics
B Computational Fluid Dynamics
C Convection Fluid Dynamics
D Compressible Fluid Dynamics