Which type of foundation is used when the soil has low bearing capacity?
A Shallow foundation
B Mat foundation
C Pile foundation
D Raft foundation
Pile foundations are used when the soil at the surface is weak and has low bearing capacity. Piles extend deeper into the ground, where the soil may be stronger, to transfer the load of the structure effectively.
What is the main purpose of a retaining wall?
A To resist soil pressure
B To support vertical loads
C To enhance foundation strength
D To transfer loads evenly
Retaining walls are structures designed to retain soil and prevent erosion or collapse, especially in areas with steep slopes. They resist the lateral pressure exerted by the soil and prevent landslides.
What does the term ‘bearing capacity’ refer to in foundation engineering?
A Soil compaction level
B Maximum load a soil can bear
C Amount of moisture in soil
D Thickness of the foundation
Bearing capacity refers to the maximum load that soil can safely support without undergoing excessive settlement or failure. It is crucial for designing foundations to prevent structural damage.
What is a common material used for shallow foundations?
A Steel
B Wood
C Clay
D Concrete
Concrete is a common material for shallow foundations due to its strength, durability, and ability to withstand load transfer from the superstructure to the soil. It is commonly used for slabs, footings, and other shallow foundation systems.
What is the purpose of soil exploration in foundation design?
A To determine soil texture
B To improve soil structure
C To assess soil’s ability to support load
D To increase soil’s bearing capacity
Soil exploration is critical to understanding the soil’s properties, such as its strength, composition, and water content. This helps engineers design a foundation that is suitable for the type of soil found at the site.
In which type of foundation is a raft used?
A Combined foundation
B Shallow foundation
C Deep foundation
D Pile foundation
Raft foundations, or mat foundations, are used when the soil cannot bear the load of a building. They spread the load over a large area, often used when the soil’s bearing capacity is insufficient.
Which type of foundation is best for highly compressible soil?
A Slab foundation
B Pile foundation
C Deep foundation
D Mat foundation
For highly compressible soils, piles are effective as they transfer the load of the structure to deeper, more stable layers of soil. This prevents excessive settlement of the structure and ensures stability.
What is the main function of an anchor wall in foundation systems?
A To provide aesthetic value
B To distribute loads equally
C To facilitate drainage
D To resist lateral forces
Anchor walls are used in retaining wall systems to resist lateral earth pressure. These walls are typically tied to the earth with anchor rods to prevent soil displacement behind the wall.
Which type of foundation is commonly used in coastal areas for large structures?
A Caisson foundation
B Pile foundation
C Shallow foundation
D Mat foundation
Caisson foundations are used in coastal areas where the soil conditions are poor or where deep water is present. These are large, hollow structures sunk into the ground or water to provide a stable base for heavy structures.
What does ‘settlement analysis’ help determine in foundation design?
A Amount of water in soil
B Amount of settlement under load
C Rate of soil expansion
D Soil permeability
Settlement analysis helps in determining how much a foundation will settle under the applied load. This ensures that the settlement remains within acceptable limits to prevent structural issues.
Which of the following is a characteristic of under-reamed piles?
A Used in waterlogged areas
B Made of stone
C Have enlarged bases
D Installed at shallow depths
Under-reamed piles have enlarged bases that increase the surface area in contact with the soil. This helps improve the load-bearing capacity of the pile and is often used in soft soil conditions.
What type of foundation is typically used for buildings located in areas prone to liquefaction?
A Pile foundation
B Caisson foundation
C Mat foundation
D Shallow foundation
In areas prone to liquefaction, pile foundations are used to anchor structures to deeper, more stable layers of soil below the liquefiable layer. This helps prevent failure during seismic events.
What is the purpose of geotechnical investigation in foundation design?
A To examine local architecture
B To evaluate soil conditions
C To assess environmental impact
D To design building layout
Geotechnical investigations are crucial to understanding the properties of the soil, such as its strength, compaction, and behavior under load. This data helps engineers design foundations that are both safe and effective.
Which type of foundation is most suitable for uneven terrain?
A Raft foundation
B Slab foundation
C Cantilever retaining wall
D Pile foundation
Cantilever retaining walls are designed to resist lateral forces from soil, making them ideal for uneven terrain where soil pressure is inconsistent. These walls prevent soil movement and provide stability on sloped sites.
What does foundation repair typically aim to address?
A Soil compaction
B Drainage issues
C Soil contamination
D Structural damage
Foundation repair aims to address issues related to structural damage or instability caused by soil movement, settling, or external factors. It restores the foundation’s ability to support the load of the building safely.