Heat Transfer MCQs (Part-5)

What is the effect of increasing the thickness of an insulating material on heat transfer?

A Increases heat transfer
B Decreases heat transfer
C No effect
D Changes thermal conductivity

Which of the following materials is typically used for high-performance heat exchangers?

A Copper
B Steel
C Glass
D Aluminum

What role do fins play in heat exchangers?

A Reduce temperature gradient
B Increase heat flux
C Increase surface area
D Decrease thermal resistance

What type of heat transfer occurs when a person feels warm from sunlight?

A Radiation
B Convection
C Evaporation
D Conduction

How does increasing the fluid velocity affect convective heat transfer?

A No effect
B Makes heat transfer unstable
C Increases heat transfer
D Decreases heat transfer

What is the main purpose of insulation in thermal systems?

A Increase heat flow
B Reduce heat transfer
C Increase fluid velocity
D Control temperature gradient

Which heat transfer mode involves the movement of molecules in a material?

A Conduction
B Evaporation
C Conduction
D Radiation

In a heat exchanger, what does the heat transfer rate depend on?

A Fluid viscosity
B Heat source temperature
C Temperature difference
D Material density

What is thermal resistance in heat transfer?

A Heat absorbed by the material
B Rate of temperature change
C Heat released by the material
D Opposition to heat flow

Which material property affects how much heat a material can store?

A Thermal conductivity
B Specific heat
C Fluid velocity
D Surface area

What is the principle behind the operation of a heat pipe?

A Thermal expansion
B Latent heat transfer
C Radiation
D Conduction

How does increasing the surface area of a material affect its heat transfer rate?

A Increases heat transfer
B Increases temperature gradient
C No effect
D Decreases heat transfer

Which of the following is a common method to reduce heat loss in buildings?

A Reducing material thickness
B Increasing air circulation
C Using insulation
D Using metal walls

What happens when a material’s thermal conductivity increases?

A No effect on heat flow
B Material becomes a better insulator
C Heat flow decreases
D Heat flow increases

In which process is latent heat involved?

A Freezing
B Boiling
C Condensation
D All of the above