Heat Transfer MCQs (Part-6)

What does the heat transfer coefficient depend on in convection?

A Heat source
B Fluid properties
C Fluid temperature
D Surface roughness

What is the key factor affecting the rate of heat transfer in boiling?

A Vaporization rate
B Surface area
C Fluid flow rate
D Temperature difference

What is the main factor that governs the temperature gradient in heat conduction?

A Material thickness
B Fluid velocity
C Thermal conductivity
D Heat source temperature

What occurs when the temperature of a fluid increases during convective heat transfer?

A Increased density
B Increased heat capacity
C Decreased thermal resistance
D Decreased viscosity

Which of the following is the primary mode of heat transfer in a vacuum?

A Radiation
B Conduction
C Convection
D Advection

What happens when the thermal conductivity of a material increases?

A Heat transfer decreases
B Material becomes an insulator
C Heat transfer increases
D No effect

What is the main purpose of fins in heat exchangers?

A Increase heat capacity
B Increase surface area
C Control temperature
D Reduce fluid velocity

What is the effect of reducing the temperature gradient on heat transfer?

A Increases heat transfer
B No effect
C Becomes constant
D Decreases heat transfer

What type of heat transfer occurs in a boiling liquid?

A Radiation
B Conduction
C Convection
D Evaporation

What is the role of temperature gradient in heat transfer?

A Drives heat transfer
B Determines fluid viscosity
C Affects fluid density
D Decreases heat capacity

How does an increase in fluid velocity affect convective heat transfer?

A Reduces heat transfer
B No effect
C Increases heat transfer
D Reduces fluid density

What is the effect of a high heat transfer coefficient?

A Slower heat transfer
B Higher thermal resistance
C Faster heat transfer
D No effect

What happens to the rate of heat transfer if the surface area of the object increases?

A Increases heat transfer
B Decreases heat transfer
C Increases thermal resistance
D No effect

What is the relationship between the rate of heat transfer and the heat flux?

A Inversely proportional
B No relationship
C Depends on fluid type
D Directly proportional

How does an increase in the temperature difference between two bodies affect heat transfer?

A No effect
B Increases heat transfer
C Reduces thermal resistance
D Decreases heat transfer