Heat Transfer MCQs (Part-9)

What does thermal efficiency in heat transfer refer to?

A Rate of heat transfer
B Material conductivity
C Amount of heat lost
D Percentage of heat used effectively

What does the Stefan-Boltzmann law describe?

A Thermal expansion
B Rate of radiation from a surface
C Conduction of heat
D Rate of convection

How does temperature affect the Stefan-Boltzmann law’s radiation rate?

A No effect
B Proportional to the fourth power
C Proportional to square of temperature
D Inversely proportional

What does thermal expansion refer to?

A Increase in temperature
B Decrease in density
C Increase in volume due to temperature rise
D Increase in thermal conductivity

How does increasing the temperature of a material affect its thermal conductivity?

A Increases thermal conductivity
B Decreases thermal conductivity
C No effect
D Depends on material

What happens to the rate of heat transfer as the thermal resistance of a material increases?

A Increases heat transfer
B Decreases heat transfer
C No change
D Reduces temperature difference

In which of the following scenarios is heat transfer most likely governed by the Stefan-Boltzmann law?

A Cooling of a liquid
B Heat transfer in metals
C Radiation from a hot object
D Heat conduction in solids

What role does thermal efficiency play in the performance of a heat engine?

A Determines energy loss
B Measures the proportion of energy used effectively
C Determines the power output
D Affects heat capacity

How does an increase in temperature affect the coefficient of thermal expansion?

A Increases expansion
B Affects density
C No effect
D Reduces expansion

What type of material would be best for minimizing thermal expansion in an application?

A Metal
B Insulator
C Material with low coefficient of expansion
D High conductivity material

What does the law of thermal radiation state?

A All bodies radiate heat
B Only metals radiate heat
C Heat can’t be radiated
D Radiation occurs in the absence of matter

What happens to the radiated energy from a body as its temperature increases?

A Decreases
B Remains constant
C Increases significantly
D Changes in irregular pattern

How does insulation affect the thermal efficiency of a system?

A Increases heat transfer
B Reduces heat transfer
C No effect
D Affects material conductivity

What does the thermal expansion of a material depend on?

A Color
B Density
C Temperature change
D Volume

How does a higher thermal conductivity affect heat transfer in a material?

A Reduces heat transfer
B No effect
C Increases heat transfer
D Decreases temperature gradient