Reinforced Concrete Structures MCQs (Part-7)

What does the term “reinforcement” in concrete refer to?

A Water content
B Cement particles
C Steel bars or mesh
D Concrete mix design

What is the main function of a beam in reinforced concrete?

A To support foundations
B To resist bending
C To resist shear
D To resist axial load

What is the typical span-to-depth ratio of a deep beam?

A 2:1
B 1:3
C Greater than 4
D Less than 2

What is the purpose of using a pile foundation?

A To transfer loads to weaker soil
B To make the building lightweight
C To reduce construction cost
D To improve aesthetic appeal

What is the function of a beam-column joint in a structure?

A To improve durability
B To resist axial forces
C To transfer loads between beams and columns
D To resist bending moments

What does “creep” in concrete refer to?

A Gradual deformation under constant load
B Cracking due to moisture
C A sudden failure under load
D Shrinkage of concrete

What is the main characteristic of a one-way slab?

A Has high load-carrying capacity
B Used in high-rise buildings
C Supported on all four sides
D Transfers loads in one direction

What is the primary cause of cracking in concrete?

A Low water-cement ratio
B Shrinkage during curing
C High compressive strength
D Excessive heat

What is the minimum percentage of reinforcement required for reinforced concrete slabs?

A 0.5%
B 1%
C 2%
D 1.5%

Which concrete grade is typically used for pavement construction?

A M15
B M30
C M20
D M10

What is the purpose of the working stress method in reinforced concrete design?

A To reduce material cost
B To predict failure modes
C To calculate ultimate strength
D To limit stresses under service loads

What does “ductile detailing” mean in earthquake-resistant design?

A To prevent energy dissipation
B To allow large deformations without failure
C To reduce the cost of construction
D To increase stiffness

What is the role of a flat slab in reinforced concrete construction?

A To eliminate beams
B To transfer axial loads
C To reduce material cost
D To resist shear forces

What is the purpose of mix design in concrete?

A To select the color of concrete
B To improve the workability of concrete
C To control the quality and strength of concrete
D To increase the reinforcement

What does “punching shear” refer to in reinforced concrete slabs?

A Shear due to torsion
B Shear failure around columns due to concentrated loads
C Shear from bending moments
D Shear caused by external forces