Structural Analysis MCQs (Part-11)

What does the virtual work principle calculate?

A Reactions
B Displacements
C Stresses
D Forces

What is the force method used for?

A Analyzing indeterminate structures
B Deflection calculation
C Stress testing
D Moment distribution

What does the displacement method calculate?

A Forces
B Reactions
C Displacements
D Moments

What is the main purpose of finite element analysis (FEA)?

A Structural simulation
B Moment analysis
C Stress calculation
D Load distribution

What is plastic analysis used to determine?

A Axial forces
B Load capacity
C Displacements
D Reactions

What does structural stability refer to?

A Deflection limits
B Load transfer
C Resistance to collapse
D Material strength

What is the key assumption in elastic analysis?

A Return to original shape
B Material plasticity
C Large deformation
D Instantaneous failure

What is a primary cause of structural deformation?

A Shear forces
B Applied loads
C Material failure
D Applied loads

What is the effect of temperature on structures?

A Buckling
B Stress
C Thermal expansion
D Shear forces

What is a shear center used for?

A Prevent bending
B Prevent twisting
C Transfer forces
D Calculate deflection

What is the purpose of moment distribution?

A Moment calculation
B Axial force
C Stress analysis
D Load distribution

What does the finite element method analyze?

A Forces
B Reactions
C Internal stresses
D Displacements

What does a moment cause in a structure?

A Shear
B Bending
C Tension
D Compression

What is a common structural system?

A Beam
B Cantilever
C Arch
D All of the above

What is an essential factor in structural safety?

A Load distribution
B Safety factor
C Material strength
D All of the above