What does a bending moment cause in a structure?
A Deformation
B Rotation
C Compression
D Shear
What does the moment distribution method calculate?
A Moments
B Deflections
C Reactions
D Forces
What does finite element analysis (FEA) simulate?
A Reactions
B Stresses
C Structural behavior
D Displacements
What is the function of a fixed end moment?
A Resist rotation
B Prevent translation
C Prevent deflection
D Carry shear
What is plastic analysis used for?
A Stress analysis
B Ultimate load capacity
C Shear force
D Deflection limits
What does structural stability ensure?
A Load path
B Load resistance
C Material efficiency
D Collapse resistance
What does the force method analyze?
A Displacements
B Moments
C Internal forces
D Deflections
What is an arch primarily designed to resist?
A Shear forces
B Compression
C Torsional forces
D Axial loads
What causes structural deformation?
A Internal forces
B External loads
C Temperature changes
D All of the above
What is the purpose of a load path analysis?
A Load distribution
B Material selection
C Reactions calculation
D Stress calculation
What is the effect of temperature on structures?
A Buckling
B Shear forces
C Thermal expansion
D Bending moments
What does a shear center prevent?
A Twisting
B Rotation
C Stress failure
D Deflection
What is the primary purpose of structural optimization?
A Maximize strength
B Minimize cost
C Minimize deflection
D Increase material usage
What is the result of applying an axial load?
A Bending
B Shear
C Deformation
D Torsion
What does the virtual work principle use to calculate displacements?
A Energy conservation
B Force equilibrium
C Compatibility conditions
D Work energy principle