Substation Design MCQs (Part-12)

What is the main purpose of a load dispatch center?

A Power generation
B Power distribution
C Fault isolation
D Power management

What is a fault isolation system used for in substations?

A Isolating faulty circuits
B Voltage regulation
C Preventing power loss
D Detecting faults

How does an emergency shutdown help maintain safety in substations?

A By disconnecting faulty equipment
B By reducing energy consumption
C By stopping equipment damage
D By controlling voltage

Why is substation testing important?

A For equipment maintenance
B For fault detection
C For voltage regulation
D For performance evaluation

What is the primary role of maintenance in substation operations?

A Power generation
B Equipment reliability
C Fault detection
D Power regulation

How does a load dispatch center control the power grid?

A By balancing generation and demand
B By regulating voltage
C By controlling circuit breakers
D By isolating faults

What is the purpose of substation maintenance testing?

A To balance the load
B To regulate power flow
C To detect faults early
D To reduce voltage spikes

What type of system is used for emergency shutdown in substations?

A Relays
B Circuit breakers
C Control panels
D Isolators

Why is fault isolation essential for grid stability?

A To increase power flow
B To store excess energy
C To reduce energy consumption
D To minimize disruptions

What does an emergency shutdown system prevent in substations?

A Voltage instability
B Energy loss
C Equipment damage
D Excessive power flow

How does a load dispatch center contribute to efficient energy use?

A By managing power dispatch
B By controlling power storage
C By isolating faulty circuits
D By regulating voltage

What is the goal of substation testing?

A To monitor power quality
B To balance energy supply
C To evaluate equipment performance
D To improve fault tolerance

What role does fault isolation play in preventing widespread power outages?

A Prevents system overload
B Isolates faulty components
C Limits power loss
D Reduces energy consumption

How does substation maintenance improve system reliability?

A By repairing faults
B By increasing voltage
C By adjusting power flow
D By reducing energy consumption

What is the key advantage of an emergency shutdown in a substation?

A Ensures safety during faults
B Prevents energy loss
C Regulates power supply
D Reduces operational costs