Transmission and Distribution Systems MCQs (Part-5)

What is the primary advantage of using underground cables?

A Voltage stability
B Durability
C Safety
D Cost-efficiency

What is the main disadvantage of underground cables compared to overhead lines?

A Cost of installation
B Higher resistance
C Voltage regulation
D Insulation failure

What is typically used to insulate underground power cables?

A Paper
B Rubber
C Oil

What is the primary function of overhead lines in power distribution?

A Step-down voltage
B Transmit power
C Increase current
D Control voltage

What is the typical voltage level for low voltage overhead lines?

A 230 V
B 400 kV
C 1 kV
D 11 kV

What is the key challenge in maintaining overhead lines?

A Insulation
B Corrosion
C Voltage regulation
D Line sag

Why are overhead lines generally preferred in rural areas?

A Aesthetic value
B Easy maintenance
C Low voltage
D Cost of installation

What is the primary material used for overhead line conductors?

A Iron
B Copper
C Aluminum
D Steel

What is the main reason for using high voltage in overhead transmission lines?

A Stabilize voltage
B Prevent sag
C Reduce current
D Control temperature

Which of the following is an environmental concern associated with overhead transmission lines?

A Power loss
B Voltage fluctuation
C Electromagnetic interference
D Aesthetic impact

What is typically used to enhance the mechanical strength of overhead lines?

A Steel core
B Insulation material
C High voltage
D Aluminum wire

How are underground cables typically laid?

A Floating in water
B Above ground ducts
C Buried in trenches
D Overhead poles

What is the primary advantage of using underground cables in urban areas?

A Aesthetic value
B Reduced interference
C Cost efficiency
D High voltage

Which type of transmission line requires higher maintenance costs?

A Both
B Underground cable
C Overhead line
D None

What is the main function of insulators in overhead transmission lines?

A Increase voltage
B Prevent electrical leakage
C Support the conductor
D Stabilize current