Transportation Engineering MCQs (Part-5)

What is the main objective of signal design?

A Add more lanes
B Reduce accidents
C Increase vehicle speed
D Improve aesthetics

Which factor is crucial in designing public transportation systems?

A Passenger comfort
B Vehicle size
C Vehicle speed
D Road texture

What is the role of mass transit in urban areas?

A Improve fuel efficiency
B Increase traffic
C Reduce congestion
D Enhance safety

What is the key purpose of freight transport?

A Goods transportation
B Speed control
C Road aesthetics
D Passenger movement

Which transportation mode is typically most suitable for long-distance freight?

A Trucks
B Airplanes
C Ships
D Trains

What is the primary goal of traffic management systems?

A Minimize accidents
B Increase road width
C Improve aesthetics
D Reduce vehicle count

What does the term “intelligent transportation systems” (ITS) refer to?

A Road signs
B Traffic lanes
C Advanced traffic management
D Automated vehicles

What is the function of transportation systems planning?

A Plan efficient routes
B Control vehicle emissions
C Predict weather conditions
D Design infrastructure

What is a typical challenge in freight transport?

A Traffic congestion
B Cargo security
C Fuel consumption
D Vehicle emissions

What is the primary benefit of carpooling?

A Increase fuel cost
B Improve comfort
C Reduce emissions
D Decrease vehicle speed

What does traffic volume analysis help with?

A Infrastructure planning
B Road aesthetics
C Weather conditions
D Vehicle speed

What is the primary aim of road safety education?

A Improve traffic flow
B Increase road width
C Promote safe behavior
D Reduce vehicle speed

What is the significance of road design in transportation?

A Reduce road capacity
B Increase fuel consumption
C Enhance safety and efficiency
D Improve vehicle speed

How do signal systems improve traffic flow?

A Control vehicle movement
B Increase road capacity
C Add traffic signs
D Reduce lane width

What is the role of public transportation in reducing urban congestion?

A Enhance road signs
B Reduce number of cars
C Increase vehicle ownership
D Improve traffic speed