Engineering Hydrology MCQs (Part-4)

What is runoff estimation primarily used for?

A Precipitation calculation
B Evaporation measurement
C Water storage
D Flood prediction

Which of these is an example of a hydraulic structure?

A Reservoir
B Canal
C Pump
D Well

What is the main objective of streamflow measurement?

A Monitor river discharge
B Estimate water quality
C Track sediment movement
D Measure groundwater level

What does flood forecasting rely on?

A Soil permeability
B Temperature variations
C Streamflow data
D Rainfall patterns

Which instrument is used to measure streamflow in rivers?

A Anemometer
B Flow meter
C Rain gauge
D Thermometer

Which factor directly affects the amount of runoff in an area?

A Soil texture
B Atmospheric pressure
C Wind speed
D Cloud cover

What is a key feature of a floodplain?

A Low evaporation rate
B High groundwater levels
C Water collection
D All of the above

What does the term ‘hydrological cycle’ refer to?

A Water flow in rivers
B Water distribution on Earth
C Movement of pollutants
D Water storage in reservoirs

What is the primary purpose of drainage basin analysis?

A Study water flow patterns
B Control water pollution
C Assess soil quality
D Predict weather patterns

Which process is responsible for the movement of water from the surface to the atmosphere?

A Infiltration
B Precipitation
C Evaporation
D Transpiration

What is the significance of rainfall-runoff modeling?

A Forecasting droughts
B Managing water quality
C Water purification
D Estimating streamflow

Which of the following is NOT a component of hydrological modeling?

A Evapotranspiration
B Groundwater recharge
C Wind speed
D Surface runoff

What type of system is used to predict the impact of flooding in a river system?

A Unit hydrograph model
B Hydraulic model
C Geographical system
D Stochastic model

Which of these is a characteristic of an unconfined aquifer?

A Found deep underground
B Surrounded by solid rock
C Water not contained by impermeable layers
D Water under pressure

Which of these measures the depth of a water body?

A Flow meter
B Barometer
C Hydrometer
D Depth gauge