Fluid Mechanics MCQs (Part-14)

What is the primary characteristic of turbulent flow?

A Steady velocity
B Parallel layers
C Smooth layers
D Chaotic motion

What does the Reynolds number indicate in fluid flow?

A Flow regime
B Viscosity
C Fluid density
D Pressure distribution

What happens to the velocity profile of a fluid in a pipe as it transitions from laminar to turbulent flow?

A Becomes parabolic
B Becomes irregular
C Stays constant
D Becomes smooth

What is the main purpose of the continuity equation in fluid mechanics?

A Pressure measurement
B Energy conservation
C Mass conservation
D Velocity calculation

How does fluid viscosity affect drag force on an object moving through it?

A Increases drag force
B Decreases drag force
C No effect
D Varies with velocity

What is the role of boundary layers in fluid flow?

A Increase turbulence
B Decrease velocity
C Increase pressure
D Reduce drag

What does Bernoulli’s equation assume about the flow of a fluid?

A Viscous flow
B Incompressible flow
C Compressible flow
D Unsteady flow

What is the purpose of a Venturi meter in fluid flow measurement?

A Measure pressure
B Measure temperature
C Measure flow rate
D Measure velocity

What happens when the velocity of a fluid increases in a pipe with a constant cross‐sectional area?

A Increases viscosity
B Stays constant
C Increases pressure
D Decreases pressure

What does the term “drag coefficient” measure?

A Fluid pressure
B Flow velocity
C Resistance to flow
D Fluid density

How does the pressure drop in a pipe relate to fluid velocity?

A Directly proportional
B Inversely proportional
C Exponentially related
D No relationship

What does the Navier-Stokes equation describe?

A Pressure distribution
B Velocity profiles
C Fluid motion
D Energy conservation

What is the effect of fluid compressibility on flow analysis?

A No effect
B Decreases velocity
C Changes density
D Increases pressure

What is the purpose of using dimensional analysis in fluid mechanics?

A Simplify complex equations
B Predict fluid pressure
C Measure fluid density
D Measure flow velocity

What causes cavitation in a pump?

A Low pressure
B High velocity
C Low viscosity
D High temperature