Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering MCQs (Part-10)

What is hydraulic modeling used for?

A Purify water
B Simulate water flow
C Detect leaks
D Design sewers

What is the purpose of effluent discharge standards?

A Reduce water usage
B Purify wastewater
C Store wastewater
D Limit pollution levels

What does circular water economy focus on?

A Reusing wastewater
B Water storage
C Water consumption
D Water pollution

What does the water-energy nexus refer to?

A Energy production
B Wastewater treatment
C Water and energy relationship
D Water purification

Which process is used to measure the flow of water in pipes?

A Hydraulic modeling
B Filtration
C Chlorination
D Coagulation

What is the main goal of environmental health in water supply?

A Monitor water quality
B Ensure clean water
C Increase water usage
D Decrease water costs

What is an example of an effluent discharge standard?

A pH level
B Turbidity level
C Oxygen demand
D Water pressure

How does hydraulic modeling assist in water distribution networks?

A Cleans pipes
B Determines water source
C Filters water
D Simulates water pressure

Which technology can improve the circular water economy?

A Desalination
B Wastewater recycling
C Chlorination
D Filtration

What is an example of a pollutant regulated by effluent discharge standards?

A Oxygen
B pH
C Nitrogen
D Water temperature

What does the water-energy nexus impact?

A Energy demand
B Wastewater treatment
C Water distribution
D Water quality

Which of the following is a key focus of advanced treatment methods in wastewater?

A Aeration
B Sedimentation
C Coagulation
D Nutrient removal

How do effluent discharge standards help public health?

A Increase water treatment
B Improve water quality
C Reduce water usage
D Filter wastewater

What role does hydraulic modeling play in stormwater management?

A Cleans stormwater
B Increases water flow
C Simulates rainfall impact
D Reduces flood risks

What does a circular water economy aim to reduce?

A Water waste
B Water demand
C Wastewater
D Water quality